This 30 million dollar 2010 contract cost duo has been an abject failure for the first 4 months and change. With ERA's will over 4 and unmentionable, they were paid to do the jobs of top portion of the starting pitching rotation. If they had come close to doing their jobs, this 2010 Red Sox team would be in first place. The bad news is that Beckett and Lackey have been 2010 busts, to date. The good news is that if they do their jobs over the remaining starts that they have over the final 33 games of the season, the Red Sox will almost surely overtake the Yankees or Rays and make the post season. If Lackey and Beckett joing Buchholz and Lester as top end starter producers, the Red Sox would then have just as good a chance to win the championship as any other single team.
Role player fill-ins like MacDonald, Hall, Doubrant and Nava are inspirational stories, regardless of how 2010 ends up. After word of the latest core player injury, Hall coined the season rallying cry: "There is no breaking point!" These players cost the Red Sox next to nothing on the overpaid MLB scale, which makes the peformance of overpaid veterans like Beckett and Lackey that much more unacceptable!
I'm disgusted with Beckett and Lackey, and for good reason. They need to simply do the jobs they are paid to do! No excuses!